Linguistic tours 
Itinerari linguistici 02

itinerari linguistici macro

Itinerari linguistici” build on the experience developed during our outdoor classes in Rome. The aim is to enable participants to interact with local people and actively engage with Italian language.

Students who participate to outdoor classes in the centre of Rome learn new words, new figures of speech and they improve lingustic skills also by learning interesting facts and useful insights of the city. 


Some examples of our "Itinerari linguistici":

  • Per le strade di Trastevere, vicoli e mestieri
  • Le staute parlanti, la satira a Roma
  • Il Ghetto e il Portico d'Ottavia
  • La Rupe Tarpea, la rupe dei traditori
  • La Suburra, un quartiere malfamato
  • Il colle Aventino e il Parco degli Aranci
  • Caccia al tesoro linguistica al mercato di Testaccio